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Gotscheeer Strankalan Pole Bean Seeds


Yup, there really are 3 e’s in the name of this bean. An historic bean cultivated in the times of the Habsburg Empire by the German-speaking community in Gottschee in the Carniola region in present-day Slovenia. Lots of history with this bean! I did not try my beans as I had only a small sample to grow out, but I believe it can be used as a snap bean when young and also used as a dry bean, so dual use. The seeds are very large, marble shaped, a light beige with bright red flecks when fresh. The mature pods are a flaming pink color, just beautiful. Extremely rare worldwide.  This bean was released to the public by the wonderful seed company Sortenwerkstaat.  This was what she shared with me about this bean – “A Slowenien but german speaking (gotschee) woman that had to come “home” to Hitler’s German country during WW2 took beans with her and reproduced them for centuries in her New home Klagenfurt. I know siblings of her.”.  Many thanks to her for this information about where this rare bean came from.  2024 seed.

Yup, there really are 3 e’s in the name of this bean. An historic bean cultivated in the times of the Habsburg Empire by the German-speaking community in Gottschee in the Carniola region in present-day Slovenia. Lots of history with this bean! I did not try my beans as I had only a small sample to grow out, but I believe it can be used as a snap bean when young and also used as a dry bean, so dual use. The seeds are very large, marble shaped, a light beige with bright red flecks when fresh. The mature pods are a flaming pink color, just beautiful. Extremely rare worldwide.  This bean was released to the public by the wonderful seed company Sortenwerkstaat.  This was what she shared with me about this bean – “A Slowenien but german speaking (gotschee) woman that had to come “home” to Hitler’s German country during WW2 took beans with her and reproduced them for centuries in her New home Klagenfurt. I know siblings of her..”.  Many thanks to her for this information about where this rare bean came from.  2024 seed.


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