Heritage Hobby Seed Ark Rare and endangered Heirloom Seeds grown in Sudbury Ontario Canada

Grown in Northern Ontario

Open Pollinated Heritage & Heirloom Seeds

Over 1, 200 Varieties

100% Organic

Welcome to my seed collection! Heritage Hobby Seed Ark is dedicated to the protection of biodiversity and the historical preservation of our heirloom heritage. Aboard this ark are some of the rarest seed varieties in Canada, made possible today by the many gardeners who came before me. I’m a hobby gardener, plant explorer and seed collector. Every year I grow a wide variety of unique plants, though I have a passion for beans, peas, tomatoes and peppers. Many of the seeds in my collection are endangered or at risk of disappearing. I hope you’ll join me in helping to preserve these treasured heirlooms of days gone by.

All seed packs $4.00

Shippping :

1 pack – $3.00

2-10 packs – $4.00

11 and up – $5.00

Other Questions? Contact me – sudburyheirloomseedark@gmail.com

Heritage Hobby Seed Ark. Heirloom Seeds grown in Sudbury Ontario Canada. An image of an ark in the garden
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