A new bean to me in 2024, these were certainly unusual. The pods are extremely large and wide, starting out green and developing purple flecking as they go along. I had very few seeds, so I didn’t eat any pods for fear I may lose the variety altogether. However, I’ve read that these can be eaten in the young stage and then be used as a dried bean. The plants are certainly productive, though the number of seeds compared to the size of each pod seemed small for the fit! It may well be a snap bean above all. However, it’s also, strangely, extremely productive as a dry bean, so I really am unsure which way this cookie crumbles. It is a beautiful bean to boot, intensely blue when freshly shelled, and they turn more brownish gray as they dry. A showstopper. Rare. 2024 seed.
Pragerhoff Pole Bean Seeds
A new bean to me in 2024, these were certainly unusual. The pods are extremely large and wide, starting out green and developing purple flecking as they go along. I had very few seeds, so I didn’t eat any pods for fear I may lose the variety altogether. However, I’ve read that these can be eaten in the young stage and then be used as a dried bean. The plants are certainly productive, though the number of seeds compared to the size of each pod seemed small for the fit! It may well be a snap bean above all. However, it’s also, strangely, extremely productive as a dry bean, so I really am unsure which way this cookie crumbles. It is a beautiful bean to boot, intensely blue when freshly shelled, and they turn more brownish gray as they dry. A showstopper. Rare. 2024 seed.
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