Dove’s Breast Pole Bean Seeds


This was one of the biggest surprises of 2022, as I have seen this bean around for a while and it seemed to lack that ‘special something’ that motivates a grow out trial. But for whatever reason, maybe an undisciplined moment of retail therapy, I wound up getting it anyway. And I’m glad I did because it was impressive, and has – almost (not edible as a snap) – everything I look for in a pole bean. It dried down nice and early, the seed was just beautiful, the plants produced lots of seeds and the seeds themselves were all perfect, no culls whatsoever. Seeds are half ivory, half beige speckled burgundy. A European heirloom from Portugal, the name translates to ‘Papa de Roja’. For dry use as far as I know, it is sold by bean company Rancho Gordo in bulk quantities.  Gratefully received from the wonderful collection of Mandy Boticna, Tyndall, Manitoba.



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