Frijol de Cerocahui Semi-Runner Bean Seeds


This bean also goes by the name ‘Tin Boontje’ and was collected in Cerocahui, Mexico. It was shared by a single farmer who fled the region due to drug trafficking violence. As far as I can tell, there isn’t much more information to find about this variety. I received it as a pole bean, though I would describe its growth as peculiar. 4 plants around a large pole and most of the plants seemed to swirl around the base as I’ve seen other Mexican beans do, like ‘Flor de Mayo’. It did seem further along in the season like there was some climbing going on, but not aggressive growth. This may have been due to the fact that the beans were planted in a slightly shaded location. Regardless, I thought this was a great little bean, and I mean little literally. It’s very small, but it produced pretty darn good for 4 plants in a non ideal location. The colour was a gentle pastel beige, giving the beans a rather delicate appearance. I imagine this bean’s original use was as a dry bean, but I’m not sure.  2022 seed.  Gratefully received from the wonderful collection of Artur Kobylecki, Kielce, Poland.

Availability: 3 in stock


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