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Sonora Sweet Pepper Seeds


One of the surprise peppers of 2024, a few of these were planted among the pole beans and got overtaken. I assumed they perished due to all the bean foliage, and then as the beans dried down I could see that peppers actually had formed on the plants – and they were HUGE! These were one of the biggest peppers of the season. Sweet, red, long tapered fruits. I’ve since read they grow well in ground even in the Pacific Northwest, a challenging area for peppers. A really great discovery! 2024 seed. 25 seeds/packet.

Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+

One of the surprise peppers of 2024, a few of these were planted among the pole beans and got overtaken. I assumed they perished due to all the bean foliage, and then as the beans dried down I could see that peppers actually had formed on the plants – and they were HUGE! These were one of the biggest peppers of the season. Sweet, red, long tapered fruits. I’ve since read they grow well in ground even in the Pacific Northwest, a challenging area for peppers. A really great discovery! 2024 seed. 25 seeds/packet.