Cha Kura Kake Soybean Seeds


For an earlier maturing soybean, which this is, the seeds are surprisingly large. Color is a very light caramel with fudge saddles. This was the second soybean variety to mature in 2023, after Ugra Saja, and so I’d consider it pretty early. Yields are not huge, but they are reliable. Plants are diminutive as well. Another great soybean variety for the North. Beware – animals will ravage these plants as soybean foliage is utterly beloved by all creatures great and small. Unlike P. vulgaris beans, soybean plants do not recover whatsoever from animal grazing. If your plants suffer predation from rabbits et. al. best to pull them up and try again next year. The space is wasted by leaving them in…….ask me how I know.  2023 seed.

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