Woodland Nicotiana Flower Seeds

I grew 8 of these plants next to my driveway in 2022 and it turned out to be a great spot. I could smell them before I could see them at night, which is saying a lot because these grew 6 feet tall. The plants are simply huge. Granted, I did scratch in some slow-release organic fertilizer early on and that seemed to help propel them upwards. The leaves are just enormous, I’m sure they approach two feet long and a foot wide. The flowers are not the standard definition of beauty, white flowers growing in large clusters all over the plants. They almost look designed for hummingbirds with enormously long beaks. The smell is wonderful, only really revealing itself when the sun goes down and the darker it gets the more they seem to smell. I think these are great, and for a seed saver, they produce a truck ton of seed. Flowered all the way into October with zero deadheading! 2022 seed.



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